A magical remedy for burns

We all got minor burns it could be because you were in the sun for a long time, or hot liquid spilled on you, this type of minor burn is called first degree burn, you don't need to worry much because it only affects the first layer of skin, you will get a first degree burn First, your skin will turn red, and you may also feel a painful swelling at the site of the injury. After a day or two, your skin will begin to peel off, and it usually takes a few days to heal. A magical burn remedy can be used to speed up the healing process. It works like magic in helping minor burns, but If the burn was caused by electricity or is more advanced, you should visit your doctor and seek medical treatment.
The best magical treatment for burns
There are many home remedies that are effective in soothing burns immediately, we offer the following best magical treatment for burns:
Cold water
Whether the burn is caused by a sunburn or a hot liquid, the first thing you should do is pour some cold water, not ice on the burn.
It takes a few minutes before the water becomes more comfortable. When cold water passes over the burned area, it protects you by preventing the burn from spreading to the surrounding area.
Cold water relieves pain for a long time. You can also put a cold compress on the burned area. This will relieve pain and help reduce inflammation.
Remember, treating burns with ice is a common mistake many people make. This is a mistake for two reasons. First, when you put ice on your skin, it's too cold. This will cause more damage to your tissues, especially the tissues in the already fragile burned area.
This can slow down the healing process and make the burn take longer to heal. Another reason is that in the event of a second or third degree burn, applying ice will lead to complications because it comes into contact with the deepest parts of the skin.
Aloe vera Aloe vera
contains many beneficial compounds and is used to treat minor burns. It can stimulate damaged tissues in the burned area to promote healing.
Cut a small piece of an aloe vera leaf and apply the gel directly on the burned area. You can also buy the gel by the bottle.
Raw Potatoes
After cold water has been applied to the burn, other measures can be taken to help reduce pain and swelling. A slice of raw potato can be placed on minor burns. Start by cutting raw potatoes into slices.
Then take one of these slices and rub it slowly on the burned area. It is best to shoot potato juice over the burn.
Honey Honey
contains powerful antibiotic capabilities and a natural pH balance that makes the skin hospitable to bacteria.
Therefore, it can prevent bacteria from infecting the burned area. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is used to reduce inflammation.
This helps the burned area heal without scarring. Simply spread honey on gauze and place the pad over the burned area. You can change this bandage four times a day.
Tea bags
Putting tea bags on the burned area will help you reduce the pain, as it is a magic cure for burns.
This is because black tea contains tannic acid, which can help draw heat from the burned area.
Simply take a wet tea bag and place it on the burn. Make sure the tea bag is cooling to avoid adding more heat to the area. If you don't want to put the tea bags straight in, soak them in warm water and let the water cool. Then dip a washcloth into the cooled tea and place it over the roast.
Vitamins C and E
Vitamins C and E are important antioxidants that can help wounds heal faster.
They do this by scavenging free oxygen radicals that may be present in damaged tissue in the burned area. Vitamin C promotes wound healing, as it is an essential component for the body to create new collagen.
You can find vitamin C in oranges, red peppers, kale, and broccoli. Vitamin E can be found in almonds, spinach, sweet potatoes, and avocados.
fat and protein in milk soothe burns and promote healing. Soak the burn in milk for 15 minutes for quick relief. Full-fat yogurt and whole milk can help cool and moisturize your dry skin.
Oatmeal is especially helpful when a burn is healing and it tends to itch, thanks to its skin-soothing properties that reduce inflammation.
Add a cup of oatmeal to your bath water and soak for 20 minutes to soothe severe burns. For minor irritation, add some oatmeal to a small bowl of water and soak the affected area. Air dry the skin until a thin layer of oatmeal remains, which will reduce itching. For added relief, sprinkle some baking soda in your bath water. Baking soda helps reduce skin inflammation.
Coconut Oil Coconut
oil is an excellent source of skin-healing vitamin E and also contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial fatty acids that help keep burns infection-free. If the burn left a nasty mark on your skin, the home remedy suggests adding lemon juice to coconut oil before massaging it on the affected area. The acidic properties of lemon juice will help lighten the scar, while coconut oil will help heal it.
Vanilla and vinegar Vanilla
extract can be used to relieve the pain of minor burns. When you put vanilla on the burned area, the alcohol in it will evaporate and reduce the pain you feel. They are a magic cure for burns. Vinegar can also reduce pain because it contains acetic acid, which is an ingredient in aspirin. Vinegar also has antiseptic properties, so it will protect your skin from infection.
Things to Avoid Putting on Burns
Strange home remedies for treating burns are widespread. The following common home remedies should be avoided:
- Do not use on burns. There is little evidence to support the effectiveness of butter as a burn treatment. Butter retains heat and can also trap harmful bacteria that can infect burnt skin.
- Contrary to popular belief, oils are not a panacea. For the same reason butter should not be placed on a burn. Oils such as olive oil and cooking oil retain heat and can continue to burn the skin.
- Egg Whites: Another common conversation is that uncooked egg whites carry a risk of bacterial infection and should not be cooked. Eggs can also cause an allergic reaction
- . Never put toothpaste on a burn. Toothpaste can irritate the burn and create an environment more conducive to infection.